Rabu, 19 September 2012

Megah Bike Website Upgrade Announcement

Megah Bike Website Upgrade Announcement

Our website is now Upgrade. 
The new website has kept its color a fresh and green, and has been enhanced with 
traditional Megah Bike modern style. 
As for its content/function upgrade, it is comprehe and well-organized, especially the newly added #Check receipt,#Check Rate, #Confirmation,#Testimonial section, which provides customer with more information. To improve its function, And other practical functions provide customer with a better online shopping service.

You are welcome to browse our website and please let us know your feedback.

Pls attention!!!

Berhubung saat ini marak penipuan ONLINE yang mengatas namakan MegahBike dengan kontak 085286442444 dan link : http://megah-bike.blogspot.com
 Link Penipu, Maka kami tegaskan untuk setiap transaksi online hanya melalui official website kami serta informasi Resmi kami sbb:

Setiap konfirmasi transaksi/payment dpt menghubungi 

Dennis Wong / Dessy Lusia
phone.021-5596 5597 / 021-70299138 / 70774138 
 hp.08129988653 / 08128116653.

Jika terdapat penawaran yg mengatas namakan MegahBike selain informasi resmi kami diatas maka semua itu diluar tanggung jawab kami.

Mohon waspadalah terhadap penipuan online!!

Salam Gowes!


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